Mountain View, Arkansas

The only reason we ended up in Mountain View, AR was because my brother-in-law Danny said we had to go to McSpadden’s, the makers of mountain dulcimers since 1962. You see, Danny bought his McSpadden dulcimer in NYC back in 1972 and has always wanted to visit the place where it was made. So, I guess, our being here is the next best thing. McSpadden Mountain Dulcimers is the largest dulcimer marker in the US having made more than 55,ooo of these hand crafted instruments since their beginning. Presently there are 5 artisans who craft these insturments, several who have been using the same tools for the past 38 years. There is a large window at the end of the shop where you can watch the dulcimers being made. Its sweet sound envelops you as you walk throughout the store.

Dulcimer Maker

The Dulcimer shop

A selection of McSpadden Dulcimers

Mountain View, population about 3,ooo, is located in the Ozarks surrounded by mountains and rivers. Its claim to fame is its folkways and traditional music which can be heard throughout the area. Saturday night is pickin’ time on the square downtown. This is also the home of the Arkansas Folk Festival. Unfortunately, it is so darn hot (over 100) there are few people to be found out and about.

We walked around the quaint downtown and browsed in the various flea markets and shops. We did visit a small vegetable stand yesterday and today to buy fresh grown tomatoes and cucumbers. (There’s nothing like fresh tomato and cucumber sandwiches with mayo!) The old gentleman who tended the stand was delightful. Yesterday he showed me a baby robin he had saved. Apparently the poor thing had fallen out of the nest and couldn’t fly. So he’s been keeping it fed onĀ  peaches and vegetables. Today when I came by he told me that the robin had flown on to his shoulder. Suddenly mama appeared and the baby took off. He was so proud of his “offspring”.

Baby Robin

Tomorrow we head to Tennessee. Maybe we can catch a little respite from this enervating heat when we hit the Smoky Mountains. I hope so.

One thought on “Mountain View, Arkansas

  1. Really glad you guys got a chance to visit Mountain View – and the dulcimer shop! The National Geographic album “Music of the Ozarks” that was recorded in this town in the late 60’s or early 70’s remains an incredibly positive influence for me. Thanks to Dad for bringing that record home back in the day, and then – for taking me to Greenwich Village, NYC to purchase an instrument with a true Appalachian heritage. At the time neither of us knew that the particular instrument I chose was made in the same town that the album was recorded or that McSpadden would eventually become the “gold standard” in the world of dulcimers. Really glad you guys got a chance to visit Mountain View. Wow.

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