Edmonton, Alberta

Flat, flat, flat. That’s all I can say about Saskatchewon. At least the rain stopped by morning. Our campsite was flooded but we had no trouble getting back on the road. The sun came out,  the wind abated and the drive was relatively smooth.

Flooded campground Regina, SK

Michael decided that he wanted to make this a long drive day of about 500 miles and make it to Edmonton.  We stopped briefly to make some lunch and  ate along the way.

Got our first sticker shock re gas prices in Canada: $4.77 a gallon (we did the conversion from liters). The lowest we saw was $4.47. Have no idea what the prices will be like on the Alaska Highway.

We plan to stop at Dawson Creek tomorrow and spend 2-3 nights. We need to do some laundry and clean off all the mud. It is so nice to be out of the rain.

Because of the per minute costs in Canada,  we are only using our Droids to contact campgrounds. Otherwise, we have them turned off.  Consequently we no longer have access to a GPS or an internet connection. That’s why we are looking specifically for campgrounds that have WiFi. Our main resources are a Rand McNally road atlas, an RV Parks and Campgrounds Directory and now, the Milepost which consists of 782 pages of highways and cities along the Alaska Highway and throughout all of Alaska—mile by mile. It’s a lot easier to just go online to figure our routes  and select campgrounds. At times I’m juggling all 3 books checking maps, looking for routes  and trying to locate campgrounds in the middle of nowhere. I do have use of a laptop so I can do some writing while we are driving.  And ,of course, I can work on my photography on our desktop in the bedroom.

So we are not exactly electronically deprived. We’ve had no TV since WV. However, XM Radio has been working just fine even in Canada so we do keep up using the news.

For entertainment (ha, ha) we either watch a DVD or read. Our expenses, other than gas, have been relatively low. Campgrounds run us on average $30 a night and food, which we have been buying at local Wal Mart’s, is about the same as at home.  We don’t eat out at all so that saves us some money.  Camped in a huge campground outside of Edmonton for the night. The weather is clear and pleasant. A welcome change.